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The Evolution and Future of HTML

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HTML Basics, Evolution, and Future

HTML has come a long way since its start as a markup language. Nowadays, it's a versatile tool for integrating media and dynamic features into websites. Let's look at some of the significant changes in HTML and what to expect in the coming years!

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Its primary use is for creating web pages and sites. Plus, it's the backbone of the internet, providing structure for online-shared data. HTML was first developed in the 90s by Tim Berners-Lee. Over the years, it evolved to add new features while remaining true to its original purpose. Further, we'll explore what new functionalities have come up with each version of it!

How does HTML Work?

HTML uses tags to enclose pieces of content, also known as elements. Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari analyze these tags to display outcomes. HTML docs also contain features from CSS or JavaScript. It also can have other scripting languages embedded to help enhance the site's look and feel. Understanding HTML basics is vital to ensure a proper and cross-platform content display. With a basic understanding of HTML, you can build a rough website or customize existing ones.

What are the Basic Concepts of HTML?


An HTML tag provides a way to identify and classify web content. It consists of opening and closing angle brackets (< and >). These surround a keyword or other marker that indicates an element. Often, tags provide structure and meaning to sites. This format encloses headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, etc.

HTML Elements

An HTML element is an individual document component with content and markup. Here, elements are the building blocks used to create websites. These contain tags or instructions to format and display the content.

HTML Attributes

Attributes are essential values that provide extra information about an element. Its use relates to behavior or appearance changes. For example, an anchor tag might have the attribute href, which specifies a URL for the link. HTML Attributes can add custom styles like colors and sizes.

How has HTML Evolved?

1991 — HTML 1.0

Berners-Lee developed the first version of HTML in 1991. Yet, its release didn't occur until 1993. In its first launch, there were only a handful of development options. These include creating basic pages with text content and links between pages.

1995 — HTML 2.0

In 1995, the second version of HTML saw the light. It added more elements and attributes to the prior mentioned. For instance, it included headings, lists, frames, inline images, and forms. HTML 2.0 also introduced the concept of style sheets. As a result, devs could control the look and feel of pages. It brought features still in use today, such as CSS and JavaScript support.

1996 — HTML 3.2

At this point, significant vendors started to collaborate in HTML development. By 1996, brands like Microsoft, Netscape, and IBM jumped into it. A year later, in 1997, HTML 3.2 appeared. Adding to its predecessor, it offered several still-relevant features, like tables and framesets. Further, it improved the support for style sheets and semantic richness. At this point, marquee text let coders create sophisticated designs with less code.

1999 — HTML 4.0

The release of HTML 4.0 took place in 1999. Among its biggest changes, a highlight was its accessibility improvement. It also added several elements to the list, like containers, objects, and buttons. At this stage, developers redesigned it to divide its structure and presentation. Plus, HTML 4.0 adopted the Universal Character Set as a character set.

1999 — HTML 4.01

Later, in 1999, HTML 4.01 emerged as a revision of its earlier version. In its context, it became one of the most widely used language versions. It supported more multimedia options and scripting languages. Plus, it took a significant step toward document internationalization. Here, the intention of making a truly-universal web was quite present.

2014 — HTML 5.0

Released in 2014, HTML 5.0 is the fifth and latest major version of the HTML standard. Its design relied on providing an improved platform for developers. Further, it enabled them to create more interactive and immersive experiences. This stage added audio and video playback features and advanced form controls. Among its features, it provided native Drag-and-Drop and Scalable Vector Graphics.

The added utilities included the simplified document declaration to . Other changes include handling inaccurate syntax errors and SQL databases and application caché. The latter allowed the storage of offline data through JavaScript interfaces. Following the latter, it also reduced the overlap between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What is the Impact of HTML on the Web?

Without a doubt, HTML is the backbone of the internet. The markup language holds raw content to give structure and coherence to sites and apps. With its latest version, devs can create rich experiences for any device. It provides enhanced support for mobile devices and a wide range of new features and tools. Hence, it became the perfect language for creating dynamic web pages. In the short term, HTML is still very present on the web. HTML and the World Wide Web have been around almost the same time. Further, they've been growing together to provide excellent User Interfaces and Experiences. Hence, we had to ask: what's the future of HTML?

What is the Future of HTML?

HTML is an essential part of web-related product creation. Moreover, it will continue to be a necessary tool for developers. We can only expect new tools and features as devices become more powerful and tech advances. This ever-evolving language will remain crucial for web development for years to come. Of course, HTML will keep evolving. It'll continue to give devs new tools and features in future stages. This approach can make creating unique websites more straightforward than ever. Our Full-Stack Developer, Jorge Espinoza, also had some thoughts to share about it:

"HTML is not a framework or library, so it has no replacement, and 100% of web platforms use it. Future features could focus on the cutting framework and libraries' dependency. Also, it'll be able to support more complex elements in native ways. In the same way, it will strengthen accessibility for people with different needs."


HTML is constantly pushed forward by web developers, designers, and standards. In fact, HTML 5.0 became a W3C Recommendation in October 2014. This rule added features to enhance website functionality and User Experience. Further, its future looks bright! With new features added all the time, HTML 5.0 will remain a key player. Also, HTML 6.0 is on its way, so there is a lot of expectation. Yet, we'll have to wait to see what new features will bring, as there's yet to be an estimated date for its launch.


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