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Skills and Tools for Web Development

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Web Development Basic Skills and Tools

The process of Web Development is one of the most recognized in Software & IT. Since it goes back to the 80s, it's also one of the oldest procedures. Yet, this field has seen the evolution and improvements in technological resources. Today, there are many languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools to ease the process. At its core, web development encloses structuring, optimization, and creativity elements. Here, we'll break down its facets, types, and tools. Let's go!

What is Web Development?

Web Development encompasses all tasks related to creating and maintaining a website. But it can also include other duties like design, coding, and database management. Nonetheless, there is a certain consensus on what makes a successful website.

Origins of Web Development

Tim Berners-Lee created the first website in the WorldWideWeb. Also he designed it at European Organization for Nuclear Research. Not only is Berners-Lee credited as the first web designer. Later, he would go on to form the World Wide Web Consortium. This organization still oversees the development of web standards today.

Further, Berners-Lee created HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), with which he coded the CERN site. Back then, HTML was the only way to distribute data through rows and columns. This building only contemplated text; color and graphics were non-existent. Only a few years, Netscape landed as the first existing browser. It became widely popular, achieving 80% of the share in the mid-90s.

At the same time, the first W3 Conference in 1994 also saw the introduction of ALIWEB. This page is known as the first-created search engine. ALIWEB organized links across categories, including entertainment, shopping, and technology. With its popularity growing, it grew the interest in commercial websites.

Furthermore, Hotwired also saw the light. As part of the printed Wired Magazine, it has credit as the first web banner. The AT&T ad banner asked, "Have you ever clicked your mouse here?" Later, it had an arrow pointing to a text that read, "You will!" The site also pioneered color and CTAs, like "Click here" or "Sign up." Joe McCambley, its creator, rethought his experience in 2013 for Harvard Business.

What is a Good Website?

The achievement of a "Good Website" compresses five main categories:

1. Usability. Websites need to be intuitive and accessible. Further, they need to adapt to different devices. Nowadays, users note poor usability at first glimpse.

2. Interactivity. Here, Web Development meets User Experience. Users should be able to navigate any website easily. This aspect encloses all interactions with different elements, like buttons and menus. Information should be accessible, and processes should be easy to learn and perform.

3. Design. The visuals of a website are vital. Not only should a web have a defined design concept along all pages. Also, it needs to relate to the intended users and audience. 

4. Content. The relevance of content lies mainly in its relation with Search Engines. Yet, it's also an open door for showing the core values of the website's purpose. Describing services, products, and processes according to the site's goals is essential.

5. Visibility. Successful websites must be visible. Thus, users should notice them when needing a related product or service. This edge includes SEO, SMO, and Email Marketing. Here, Web Development connects with Digital Marketing. 

Types of Web Development

Web Development combines design, development, and analytic skills. Thus, it's a career path with high levels of interest. Its professionals also work closely with IT and marketing colleagues. In this context, three types of Web Development arise.

1. Front-End Web Development

The Front-End (FE) handles the webspace's appearance. To get optimized outcomes, FE manages usability, visibility, and structure. Also, its specialists focus on colors, icons, and visual elements. Its work also includes handling security best practices for final users. Here, cybersecurity has a considerable role.

2. Back-End Web Development

This field is responsible for the server side. As a result, Back-End (BE) manages database storage and data flows. Due to it, professionals apply a wide array of languages and tools. JavaScript, PHP, Python, MySQL and Golang are among these.

3. Full-Stack Web Development

Here is when the perks of FE and BE merge. In summary, Full-Stack developers can handle actions on both prior mentioned types. In this context, experts need constant updating to strengthen websites.

Web Development Skills

After defining the main varieties, some may still wonder where to start with Web Development. For it, the starting point is development fundamentals. This starter pack encloses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Yet, many skills can lead you to become an excellent web developer. Along these, there are Creative Ability, Numeracy Skills, and Detail Attention. You can also path your way into Web Development with Computer Literacy Communication and Problem-Solving Skills, as well as a Logical Approach.Yet, like everything, progressive self-learning is pivotal. Thus, it would help if you follow the field's latest trends and upgrades!

Web Development Tools

Front-End Development Tools

1. JavaScript. This language allows you to design creative and interactive interfaces. In recent years, it has become a dynamic, multi-paradigm language with a high level. JavaScript runs on the cloud, browsers, mobiles, and servers.

2. React. The React framework work with JavaScript. Created by Facebook, it allows webpages' division into smaller components. As a result, it's ideal for creating dynamic interfaces.

3. Vue.js. This open-source language is easy to use. Vue.js allows the creation of attractive UIs with good structure. Further, it's able to provide fast and reliable solutions. 

4. Angular. Compared with React, Angular may come as a more complex option. Actually, it's an improved version of AngularJS. It allows the development of complex applications with extensions like Snippets.

Back-End Development Tools

1. Python. This open-source language has a high level of intuition. Besides web development, it's also helpful for desktop applications. Also, it works for GUI applications, Machine Learning, and Data Science. Python has excellent libraries like Scipy, Pandas, and Numpy. 

2. PHP. The PHP language is dynamic and general-purpose. It can also apply to application development. It covers open-source platforms and is compatible with Mac, Linux, and Windows. 

3. C#. Microsoft created C# based on the C programming language. Its origins go back to the NET framework for Windows development. Nowadays, it applies to Android, Linux, and iOS.


Web Development is an essential element. It allows people to know the services and products offered by different companies. Further, it's a direct way to acquire new users or customers. That's why many businesses invest a lot in Web Development. Does your business have a website? If the answer is no, what are you waiting for?


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