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Wurrly: Learning with Music

Learning with Music


Wurrly is a Learning Management System for kids, families, and teachers to learn life skills through the power of music in stimulating and safe environments.


Learning with Music

Wurrly is a Learning Management System for kids, families, and teachers to learn life skills through the power of music in stimulating and safe environments.


Wurrly is a Learning Management System based on the idea that music can change lives. To achieve its goal, the platform offers constantly updated, relevant technological and cultural content, making it easy to provide fun and effective music courses and programs.


The impact of Wurrly can be seen in its influence on kids’ education through music. Its easy-to-use and fun platform for children and their families offers a unique approach to teaching skills like concentration and self-confidence.


While the LMS business started its project with another company, it contacted Capicua when looking to improve its functionalities. Nowadays, Capicua is Wurrly’s official development team.

Wurrly: Learning with Music


The main goal of Wurrly is to create a safe environment for kids’ educational development.


Wurrly is a collaborative platform that teaches kids essential life skills based on their love for music. Its scope as an LMS goes from pattern recognition and problem-solving to emotional intelligence and creative thinking. The platform was created by Swiss-born German opera singer Nadine Levitt, who worked with A-list names such as David Foster, Andrea Boccelli, Celine Dion, and Steven Tyler. She later was joined by Andrew Andersen, who worked with Beyoncé and Bon Jovi; and both of them put their knowledge and experience to work on a revolutionary LMS focused on boosting kids’ self-confidence while exploring music-based edges.


The first challenge our team faced was to understand previously developed design and structure to continue with what was already done rather than building it from scratch. Within this process, we encountered some challenges, such as providing environments for kids, parents, and teachers while ensuring robust safety at all stages and interactions. All this while ensuring the LMS were attractive and stimulating for kids of PreK-12. In sum, our dare was to create an equally stimulating and safe LMS.

Wurrly: Learning with Music

Worth Mentioning

While we keep working on building and maturing all its systems. Wurrly has won a CODiE Award for Best Tool for Student Creation or Expression.

> WURRLYEdu is a great platform that helps reach students at their personal ability level to engage in cross-curricular expression. It relies on various genres of music, from hip-hop to Classical, while assisting students in creating through music.


Our team combined Typescript, React, Node.JS, and GraphQL for the front- and the back-end, combined with three Hasura and three Remote Schema services to develop, produce, and stage the platform for the AWS cluster. We further applied s3 static pages for front-end buckets, PostgreSQL’s Database, and Docker’s Containerization, and three DB instances for its DBMS: Dev (T3 micro), Stage (T3 small), and Prod (T3 medium).


Our goal was that Wurrly’s UI was always easy and intuitive for children, so we worked with Figma and Overflow. We further handled Java in a lambda function to convert .midi files into JSON and get chords and song lyrics while adding Stripe plus Clever + Google + MS Teams integrations.


Beyond specific technical edges, we made children’s safety as our number one priority at all stages for all involved parties.  For instance, teachers cannot send direct invites to kids under 12; instead, they have to invite their parents and get their approval. Likewise, while teachers can upload songs, create tasks, correct homework, and create video playlists, they cannot see other children in the app. 

Likewise, kids can’t log in without an invite- they have specific student codes, guaranteeing access to their suitable classes. Our team also emphasized creating an attractive platform that is able to stimulate kids with different features. Some examples include badges and scores that allow them to unlock unique options and challenges to keep them motivated.