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A Short Guide to What is Generative AI

What is Generative AI? Short Guide

Generative AI has opened up a world of possibilities for business across industries.

Tech giants like OpenAI, Google, and Apple have invested millions in bringing cutting-edge Generative AI models, like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Apple Intelligence, to life.

These tools have changed how most businesses approach work— you know how critical they are when 92% of Fortune 500 firms have adopted them!

What’s more, the McKinsey Institute showed that GenAI has the potential to generate up to $7.9 trillion annually for the global economy. 

Let's dive deeper into what Generative AI is and why it is so important to the business landscape!

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI, or just GenAI, is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can generate content based on prompts or instructions. 

Moreover, GenAI harnesses tools used to create realistic images, copies, videos, audio, and even lines of code in programming languages like JavaScript

These tools can perform massive amounts of tasks like writing blog posts, code snippets, vacation plans, exercise routines, summarizing text, debugging code, translating languages, and giving personalized responses with AI-powered chatbots.

In sum, GenAI has become especially popular for solving problems in different contexts that normally would require human intelligence. 

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative Artificial Intelligence works by leveraging Machine Learning (ML) to learn patterns from vast amounts of data. 

More specifically, GenAI combines two specific types of ML: Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning

First, Supervised Learning allows GenAI to predict the next word in a sentence based on the previous word.

Meanwhile, Unsupervised Learning allows GenAI to understand the structure of a language without explicit instructions. 

During the training, Unsupervised and Supervised algorithms process and analyze data to understand patterns and eventually produce outputs similar to previously seen content.

GenAI can also harness another subfield of ML called Reinforcement Learning (RL), which allows GenAI models to gather continuous feedback from users to improve output quality.

RL also allows GenAI models to fine-tune themselves iteratively to improve performance for subsequent tasks over time, making RL key in generating high-quality outputs.

As crucial as it is, training is often a drawback for GenAI models because of how expensive it is— it requires tons of computational power, and it can also be very time-consuming.

Modern Generative AI tools use other forms of ML, from Large Language Models (LLMs) to Deep Learning (DL), to understand human language better and provide accurate outcomes.

For example, experts at Paystub Hero explain that Generative AI can extract payroll data—such as hours worked, salaries, and tax deductions—from various systems and automatically populate the fields in pay stubs. This process minimizes manual errors and significantly accelerates the creation of accurate pay stubs.

What’s more, GenAI can be so powerful that one in five people think it’s sentient! The reason for this false belief is that the human brain’s architecture was what inspired GenAI’s logic. 

In fact, Machine Learning models use artificial Neural Networks that have multiple layers of nodes to process data, much like neurons in the human brain.

How Does Generative AI GenAI Work

Main Use Cases For Generative AI

One of the most common applications for GenAI is Software Development, where it has proven to be very helpful! 

Recent studies show that developers can complete some tasks twice as fast with the help of GenAI tools. More recently developed tools like Amazon Q Developer have also helped increase developer productivity by 40%. 

While GenAI can help optimize tasks like refactoring, autocompletion, and documentation, it’s worth noting that tools like ChatGPT and Copilot can't replace human intervention. 

GenAI tools have also had a huge impact on industries like Retail and Finance. What’s more, companies like Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan are already using it to support daily tasks. 

Some use cases include customer service, writing product summaries, synthesizing feedback, and tailoring marketing efforts to improve customer satisfaction.

Leverage the power of GenAI to build the digital solutions the Digital Transformation age demands and real users love, share, and come back to!

Main Challenges of Generative AI

GenAI and Security

Data security and privacy are among the most common concerns within GenAI, as the efficacy of these systems strongly relies on the data they use.

Since using GenAI to improve internal processes means it may require access to proprietary data and sensitive info, it's crucial to control access to unauthorized data.

GenAI and Hallucinations

GenAI tools may provide wrong responses or make mistakes from time to time. As they may sound very confident about their answers, it can be hard to identify inaccurate responses. 

That's why there's a need for human oversight to verify outcomes when using AI-generated content properly.

GenAI and Creativity

While AI-generated content can be created impressively fast, it still lacks the creativity of human-created content. 

It's still challenging to create original content or art pieces that resonate with people by only using GenAI tools— outcomes can be repetitive and lack the authenticity of human-created content, which can diminish customer engagement.

GenAI and Transparency

Some describe GenAI's work processes with the term "black box" because it doesn’t show how it reaches its conclusions. 

It can be difficult to understand how their decision-making process works, which leads to a lack of transparency that affects trust and adoption by users and businesses.

GenAI and Deep Fakes

Since images and other media content generated with GenAI seem so realistic, people could use it to spread misinformation. 

Unfortunately, there have been several misuse cases of deepfakes over the last few years: a recent example involves a principal framed as racist by a fake recording of his voice.

Why is Generative AI Important?

As mentioned, GenAI has a huge potential to bring massive economic growth. Studies show that around 82% of leaders believe that Generative AI can improve employee performance. 

Experts claim that GenAI can help save up to 1.75 hours a day— a full workday every week! Studies also mention that GenAI can ease creating and improving products and services

The right implementation of GenAI can boost customer interactions and allow companies to gain a competitive advantage, helping to create business value faster.  


GenAI can help businesses and individuals optimize a wide range of tasks, such as translations, image generation,  content creation, and code generation. 

Even with the previously mentioned drawbacks, GenAI is on the way to improving productivity, enhancing performance, and driving innovation like we never thought possible!

Ready to make the most out of GenAI to deliver outstanding, intuitive digital solutions that users love and businesses grow with?