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Workflow Diagrams for UI/UX Design

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Workflow Diagrams for UX/UI Design

User workflow diagrams are vital for UX/UI design and its enhancement. Yet, it takes a lot of work. Sometimes, organically showing this data can be rough. That's why it must come in an accessible format. As a result, diagrams show how users interact with a product.  The more you know about user flows, the better your design will be. We'll show you how a user workflow diagram provides a good UX Design. Are you ready to make your diagram?

What is User Workflow Diagram?

A user workflow diagram visually represents how each step of the customer journey works. Data collection allows linking the users' actions and needs with functionalities. Nonetheless, not all graphs are identical because different stages may have different workflow diagrams.

A diagram helps UX and UI designers improve how the user navigates through a product. It can help in understanding user workflow and information architecture. Further, designers can integrate the process while getting user feedback. Last but not least, diagrams enable you to make good decisions from the start, so take your time! It can save resources and money. 

User Flow vs User Journey

A user flow diagram focuses on the user's interaction with the application or website. Instead, a user journey is all the touch points with the product, including before and after. In turn, it integrates word-of-mouth recommendations, product comparisons, online advertising, delivery, and customer support. Make sure to distinguish these from a task flow, a diagram that measures the flow of a specific task.

How to create a User Workflow Diagram?

Without further ado, let's review the steps for a fantastic user workflow diagram!

1. User Journey. First of all, you need to understand your users' journey. Remember to include research and user character design. By having an overall idea of the user, you're thinking ahead to create the best user flow. It's like they always say, the customer is always right. They'll tell you what they want and need. You have to work on delivering the solution.

2. Goal Definition. The next step is to set up your business goals and the users' problems you want to address. A diagram helps you to sort out this process.

3. User Entry Points. You must also notice how users reach your product. The most common ways are organic search, social media, and paid advertising. Yet, don't underestimate the power of emails, referring sites, and news! To be as accurate as possible, using Google Analytics to guarantee the data with percentages can help. Also, it'll help you to define users' behavior, which is essential to create user flow diagrams.

4. User Needs. It's fundamental to put yourself in the target users' place! This way, you can understand customers' needs, desires, doubts, pain points, and more. Creating user persona, character persona, and mapping user flow is handy.

5. Visualize. It's time to create a user flow, so pay attention to the beginning and end of each task. The results could change depending on the user's purpose! Once you integrate the critical data, it's possible to visualize it in the user diagram.

6. Prototype. Use Low-Fi wireframes or UI mockups to test a user's workflow. Prototypes allow you to add more flow detail, so use a prototyping tool that suits your requirements!

7. Review, Refine, and Test. At this point, you have already tested your Low-Fi prototype. So, you'll be able to work on the Hi-Fi. Once it's ready, trying it with real users is essential. With it, identifying possible improvements will be easier. There are many ideal tools for creating an exemplary user workflow diagram. 


User workflow diagrams enable us to understand needs and focus on UX/UI design. Their use in UX audits is essential to defining and refining strategies when creating digital products. If you rely on flows at the beginning of every project, you reduce the risks, expenses, and efforts! 


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