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Successful Business Strategies

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Guide to Successful Business Strategy

As you might know, business success is no piece of cake.

And a vital element of this is to have a good business strategy!

This article will cover everything you need to know about business strategies. We'll discuss what they are, their levels, and how to develop them.

We'll also give you examples of successful business strategies. These will enclose customer acquisition, user retention, sustainability, and more. Let's dig in!

What is a Business Strategy?

A business strategy is a plan or roadmap to help achieve a company’s business goals.

This plan includes the guiding principles for the company. These will, in turn, affect the business priorities, decisions, and actions.

There are various business strategies, depending on where the business focus lies.

Some approaches focus on cost-cutting, growth, or stability.

The primary purpose behind a business strategy is to create a vision for a company.

This vision aims to provide direction or guidance. Further, it helps all members understand the company’s goals and objectives.

Business Strategy vs. Marketing Strategy

A business strategy tends to be a long-term plan for your company's future.

Meanwhile, a marketing strategy surrounds how you actively promote a product or service.

These two strategies are not opposed to each other but intersect, which is why they get mixed up. Business and marketing strategies (along with brand strategy) should work together. 

How to Develop a Business Strategy?

There are countless approaches to developing a business strategy.

This section will focus on the five main aspects you should consider:

  1. Vision and Goals: The first step is figuring out what you are trying to achieve and define your aspirations and values. This will help you shape the company's vision and mission.
  2. SWOT Analysis: SWOT stands for "strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats" and helps businesses to focus on resources, capitalize on promising opportunities and give insights on improvement-needing areas. 
  3. Target Definition: Now that you know what you're working with, focus on outlining your target segment— all people who need or want your product or service. A proper target definition prevents investing in unsuccessful marketing campaigns, saving time and money.
  4. Resources Allocation. A big part of any successful business strategy is correctly dividing resources and defining who is responsible for doing what.
  5. Progress Tracking: Putting the cogs in motion is not enough— you need to find the best way to track your progress! This helps you to stay on track and informs you about any changes required on deadlines, goals, and budgets. Identifying the relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial!

What Makes a Good Business Strategy?

Now that we've reviewed a Business Strategy's core pillars, let's take the next step.

We'll help you identify the differences between a good and bad business strategy.

Further, we'll check and suggest how often you should update yours. 

What is a Good Business Strategy?

A good business strategy will first identify the problem to solve or get a diagnosis.

Here, there's also the setting of guiding principles to address concerns. And finally, it will propose specific and coherent actions to execute those principles.

What is a Bad Business Strategy?

Lousy business strategies will not correctly identify or diagnose the problem.

Thus, the company will need help to address it the right way.

Another highlight of a bad business strategy is that it will mistake goals for strategy.

Setting goals is not only positive. Also, it's vital for any business' progress. But a goal is a statement of desire, while a strategy is a plan of action to overcome obstacles.

Further, bad business strategies may contain wrong strategic objectives. These objectives don't need to address critical issues or be realistic.

Finally, a bad business strategy tends to contain fluff. This fluff restates the obvious and includes some usual buzzwords.

Often, it hides the fact that there is no real thought behind the strategy.

What are Business Strategy Levels?

There are three levels of business strategies: corporate, business, and functional. Let's take a closer look at these below.

  1. Corporate-Level Business Strategy: Corporate-level strategies comprise a long-term plan to ensure all departments or units work towards the same main goal while gaining a competitive advantage. Developing corporate-level strategies is often in charge of the CEO and top management.
  2. Business-Level Business Strategy: This strategy focuses on a specific goal that's aligned with the main mission, and it revolves around a particular industry, market or business unit. Middle managers are usually in charge of establishing the business-level plan.
  3. Functional-Level Business Strategy: A functional-level strategy plans how the company uses its existing resources to achieve goals in specific areas, and it's behind the day-to-day work needed to carry out corporate and business-level procedures.

User vs Customer in Business Strategy

A customer is who pays for a product or service, and a user is the one making use of a product or service.

The thing is, "customer" and "user" can refer to the same or two separate entities.

We'll give you an example to make things easier to understand.

Let's say you have a mobile game. If it's free, whoever downloads and plays the game is a user (if there's no payment involved, there's no customer).

If that person decides to make in-app purchases, they also become a customer.

Yet, this might be a children's game where the customer is the parent and the user the child.

User vs Customer Acquisition

User and customer acquisition stay vital throughout the life of any business.

As user acquisition costs get higher, having a successful strategy is critical. We may be leaning more toward marketing here.

Yet, it's worth covering as it's essential to any business strategy. In this scenario, approaches may vary.

Some include Content Marketing, SEO, Paid Advertising, and referral programs.

Why is Business Strategy important?

Business strategies help your company stay on track with its goal to ensure company leaders remain focused on short- and long-term goals.

Also, business strategies help them adapt to change. If well communicated, techniques help employees understand the overarching goals at every level.

Every company member understands how they fit and why they matter, and, as a result, they will be more engaged and, thus, more productive.

Also, business strategies help companies measure internal performance and are a powerful tool for tracking competitors.


Business strategies are at the core of any successful endeavor. Good ones take time and effort but, as we've seen, can reap great rewards.

We hope this article serves as a stepping stone. Further, we hope you can rely on it when planning your next business strategy! Are you ready for what's coming next?


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