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The MERN Stack Explained

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Explained: The MERN Stack

Do you work with a specific tech stack? Do you have a favorite one? Today, we’ll focus on a popular JavaScript-based technology: MERN. We'll explain what it is, its different techs, and what makes it a great choice for building dynamic web applications. Let's go! 

What is the MERN Stack?

What is MERN? Well, the MERN Stack, or mernstack, is a collection of cloud-based technologies for building applications from scratch. 

Created by Meta in 2013, the name is an acronym for its four main technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. This collection aims to make developers' lives easier.

MERN Stack Elements

M: MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL Database Management Software (DBMS), which is required for any data that needs storage in the app (such as content, user profiles, and uploads). 

The document-oriented database supports scalability and agility and has speedy query performance. If you want a case study involving MongoDB, look here! You can also read our article about Mongo and its uses within DBMS.

E: Express

Express is a minimalistic and unopinionated server-side Node application framework. It's known for being asynchronous, single-threaded, efficient, fast, and scalable. 

What’s more, ExpressJS provides server-side logic for single-page, multipage, and hybrid web app building.

R: React

Although many refer to React as a framework, it’s a Front-End JavaScript library! The popular library is top-rated by devs and companies when building User Interfaces (UIs).

Its main features include being declarative, simple, and supporting server-side rendering. It's also fast, easy to use, and component-based. You can learn more about React here!

N- Node

Node—or Node.js—is an asynchronous and event-driven open-source JavaScript runtime environment to build scalable network apps. 

It’s also cross-platform, single-threaded, fast, and scalable, and its benefits include improved productivity, application performance, customer satisfaction, and reduced costs. 

If you want to see an example of Node in action, you can look at our work with Marathon Kids. Further, this article can tell you more about how Node.js works with Flutter!

  • MERN includes MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
  • MongoDB is a popular NoSQL DBMS for data storage and management.
  • Express is a lightweight framework that guarantees web app logic. 
  • React is a declarative, simple, fast JavaScript library for User Interfaces.
  • Node is an asynchronous, event-driven JavaScript environment for network apps.

How Does The MERN Stack Work?

After defining the MERN stack, let’s dive into how it works. MERN uses a 3-tier architecture that comprises the front-end, the back-end, and the database

While React handles the front-end and Express and Node are in charge of the back-end, MongoDB takes care of the database layer. 

First, React is in charge of building the web application interface. Then, Express runs on a Node.js server to work the back-end, connected to the React FE via XML HTTP Requests, GETs, or POSTs. 

Lastly, MongoDB stores any data your dynamic product may need. As a result, you can send JSON documents created in the React FE to the Express server for processing and storage in the MongoDB database. 

Take a look at this showcase for a Full-Stack MERN application example!

MERN with React Native 

You can also build mobile applications with the MERN Stack by adding React Native to the mix. This open-source framework was built over ReactJS and specializes in native mobile app development. 

React Native offers a faster application development process, native interface creation, and easy testing. Moreover, since it’s cross-platform, you can use it for both iOS and Android

MERN with TypeScript

The MERN Stack is not only flexible on its front end, but you can also use a different language! A great example is its use with TypeScript. If you're interested in learning about TS, check out our article.

MERN vs MEAN Stacks

What makes the MERN and MEAN stacks differ? The main difference in MERN stack MEAN is that MEAN uses Angular instead of React for the Front End. While less popular than React, Angular is quite a robust framework! 

These changes in dev frameworks comply with the different purposes digital products may focus on. For instance, the MEAN Stack focuses more on file management and abstraction in coding, while MERN helps you code faster. 

Moreover, MEAN is more productive with large-scale apps, yet MERN is best for small apps with less development time. Do you want to learn more about the differences between React and Angular? Check out our article on this topic (which also includes Vue.JS)!

Why is MERN Popular?

Considering there are several tech stacks, what makes this stack great for delivering outstanding products? Let's cover the pros of combining MERN four techs.

MERN is a popular choice for building modern web applications due to its open-source and constantly-improved technology. 

A major edge of this stack is its ease of use, which allows for the quick development of high-performance applications. Since it’s full-stack, you can develop all edges of your final product with it.

With JavaScript for both the front and back end, there's no need for context switching, making code maintenance and bug fixing easy and making MERN a cost-effective stack. 

Overall, MERN is a powerful and efficient technology that can help developers easily build high-quality and scalable web applications.


As a MERN Stack Development Company, we know that MERN has many benefits in developing full-stack applications. The sky seems to be the limit for creating scalable full-stack web applications with this amazing tech blend!


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