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Angular, React, and Vue JavaScript Frameworks

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JavaScript Frameworks: Angular, React, and Vue

Front-end frameworks are not only a technology question. Choosing the right techs for a software front-end might seem inconsequential. Especially at a non-technical level. Yet, front-end technologies can have business impacts, too. Furthermore, front-end development can affect essential issues. For instance, the app’s performance, scalability, and expense. All decision-makers need to get aligned when choosing the front end. Here we’ll look at three of the most popular Javascript frameworks. They present tough decisions on the development level. But, we’ll focus mainly on their effects on the business side.

What is a JavaScript framework?

JavaScript (JS) is a coding language. It’s responsible for creating interactive elements for websites and applications. For instance, features such as logins and animations. JS is what makes web applications possible! JS techs keep emerging to help developers organize and repurpose codes. In this scenario, frameworks are a scaffold, supporting structure, and application. Moreover, they include libraries of pre-written code pieces.

You can use Vanilla JS to custom-write everything. Yet, it can be time-consuming.

Frameworks and libraries are a bit like cooking with recipes and pre-made ingredients. In this example, the formula may be the pattern for structuring the application’s codes in this scenario. But a pre-made component can be anything: from a form to an interactive button. These elements are added and styled to match the application’s goals. Right now, the most popular front-end JS frameworks are Angular and React. Yet, Vue.js has been gaining ground as well. Note: technically, Angular is the only complete framework. While React and Vue are something between a framework and a library, we'll refer to them all as frameworks.

How to Choose a JavaScript Framework?

At first glance there are two main ways to choose your JavaScript framework. The first one is looking at trends, which involves studying different options while also researching what similar products are using. The other one is to take advice, like getting a good developer or development team on board and let them choose.

The first method’s problem is that many coders write articles for other coders on a technical basis. This makes it kind of difficult to discover the benefits of each framework. It’s tricky to think what would be best for an app if it’s not even starting its building.

However, the second method’s issue is that the app’s best interests aren’t always top of mind for all developers. Often developers, and even teams, aren’t experts in every tech. Usually, they have a handful on which they rely and specialize. It’s logical to think they’d rather develop with familiar techs than code with new tools. 

Similarities Between Angular, React, and Vue 

With a good development team, a framework choice is unlikely to ruin an application. Best teams know how to put a specific framework in place correctly. They do this in a way that allows them not to build an app repeatedly. Of course, they will typically work along a common framework. Most common JS frameworks share many positive features.

For instance, Angular, React, and Vue perform well, allowing them to build high-quality software quickly and effectively. These JS frameworks also help speed up development time, reducing the need for manual coding and other time-consuming tasks. Another quality of all three frameworks, related to the previously mentioned point, is that Angular, React, and Vue.js rely upon and allow component reusability, saving time and effort when building new applications.Last but not least, these three frameworks have both loads of documentation and worldwide community support. This pro ensures that developers can get the help they need when they run into problems or have questions.

These qualities are essential for any developer looking to create high-quality software efficiently and effectively.

Differences Between Angular, React, and Vue

What is Angular.js?

Created by Google in 2016

Angular can be the heavy hitter in this group. It’s one of the most widely-used front-end frameworks. Some of its most established companies encompass Paypal and Upwork. Also, it’s the most “opinionated” of all. This means that, when used, it dictates the structure of the whole app. It even uses its variant of JS as its base language, Typescript. In this sense, Angular is not only the hardest to learn but the most inflexible of this list of frameworks. While this may frustrate developers, it creates more stable and consistent apps.

What is React.js?

Created by Facebook/Meta in 2013

Over the last few years, React has become popular quite fast. That led to it being the leading contender to Angular. It has broad uses on all Meta platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. On top of that, companies like Twitter and Uber use it. React’s design is modular and applies to different sections of an app. While it’s a library for the view layer, it’s combinable with frameworks like Redux.

What is Vue.js?

Created by Evan You in 2014

Vue, an MIT-licensed open-source project, might be the underdog in this group. Yet, without backing from any major company, its popularity is growing. Like React, Vue is modular, enabling it to apply to app parts or integrate with other frameworks. Being easy to use is a massive factor in Vue’s popularity. It offers React’s flexibility but in a lightweight and style-natural way. Developers’ love for Vue is shown in 2018’s State survey for developer JS. On this occasion, over 90% of people interviewed said they want to use it again. In comparison, Angular has a rate of 41% for the same category.

What To Consider With Front End Frameworks?

Front End Frameworks Flexibility

Angular is a complete framework. This means it will dictate an app's organization and structure. As a result, it'll have a more predictable outcome. Yet, the trend is moving toward modular frameworks like React and Vue. These frameworks offer more creative freedom to developers. Yet, this liberty can be tragic if combined with poor structure or documentation. Teams using modular frameworks need at least one person to ensure best practices.

A while ago, a client came to Capicua with an app project. It was created by another dev team and built with React. The team made the front end with custom React libraries. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any documentation. We then had to investigate a lot to discover how to work with these specific libraries.

Front End Frameworks Performance

Speed is always crucial for success. For instance, users will abandon an app if there’s any loading delay. Vue is the lightest framework in this list, while Angular is the heaviest. Yet, Angular’s latest updates address their previous performance issues. Additionally, good developers can optimize performance through a variety of methods.

Front End Frameworks Availability

We must consider the ease of finding developers with knowledge of a framework and their costs. In the case of React, the number of devs with experience with it is still catching up. This correlation in supply and demand means React devs are demanding higher salaries. Compared to React and Angular, Vue developers have the lowest average salaries. An explanation may be that Vue is primarily used in Asia, where dev salaries are relatively low. But, because of this, Vue developers with experience are harder to find.

Front End Frameworks Learning Curve

While Angular has a steep learning curve, Vue is intuitive and easy to learn. This is a massive plus for Vue, even one that may overcome the previous point about availability. Beyond that, if experienced JS developers use Vue, they can come aboard a project with it.

Front End Frameworks Backing

Technologies are constantly changing. So, the front-end scenario could shift drastically in a short period. Yes, it’s impossible to predict the future. But everything indicates that React will remain popular. This deduction is possible based on widespread use and popularity in dev communities. The most vulnerable of these is Vue, as it’s an open-source project. Still, Asian giants, like Alibaba and Xiaomi, choose it for their products. It seems unlikely to disappear any time soon.


The critical factor for success in front-end frameworks is to have a great team of developers. For instance, they will know which and how to choose, implement, and optimize them. Also, knowing the business impacts of each of them can help app owners plan for the future.


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